Fruit can be cut ahead of time and stored in separate bowls. Some fruit has the potential of getting brown so you will need to add a little bit of lemon juice on it.

Fresh Fruit: Have your child pick out their favorite fruits that you know they will eat.

Soak in lemon water:  Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice per 1 cup of water soak for 5-10 minutes.

Bananas brown so quickly that you will need to add the banana right before serving.

The cut fruit can be stored in the fridge for 3 days.

Colorful Fruits

To make this super fun for your kids, you will want to take them to the grocery store and pick out different kinds of fruit. I try to get my kids to brainstorm what kinds of different fruits and colors they want to use.

  • Purple: Purple Grapes, Plums, Raisins
  • Blue: Blueberries, Blackberries
  • Green: Kiwi, Green Grapes, Green Apples, Honeydew
  • Yellow: Pineapple, Peach, Pear, Banana
  • Orange: Cantaloupe, Orange Slices, Mango
  • Red: Watermelon, strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries, Red Apples

Shape: Many of the softer fruits can be cut into shapes. Slice the fruit thick enough to be able to easily go on a skewer; about 1 inch. Then use a small metal cookie cutter to stamp out a shape. Using a melon baller is another fun way to form shapes.

Display the Fruit-abobs:

  • Lie them flat on a platter
  • Place florist foam inside a wide mouth vase or bowl. Stick the fruit skewers in the block.
  • Use half a watermelon: Cut a melon in half; lengthwise. Remove the fruit, flip the rind over and stick the fruit skewers into the outside of the melon. 
  • Cut a head of iceberg lettuce in half and place it on a platter with the flat side down. Stick the skewers into the lettuce head.